Friday, July 23, 2010

Internet for Educators

My Internet for Educators class is now finished. This class has been very worthwhile for me. Two weeks ago I used the computer for only emailing and word processing. I am now aware of all the other possibilities the computer has for educators. I am much more confident in my computer skills. I will no longer have to rely on my children, husband, and coworkers for as much computer help. These are only some of the things I learned about in class that I find useful: Google, Facebook, Blogs, Glogs, Twitter, Delicious, YouTube, Picassa, and Flickr. I look forward to continuing to learn about what I can do on the computer. Dr. Hardy, I really appreciate all of your help and patience working with me. I really enjoyed the class!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Teacher Blogs

I enjoyed reading teacher blogs today. From reading Michelle's blog I learned how to access other teacher blogs. The site I really liked was Scholastic: Top Teacher Blogs. Some of these blogs show the humerous side to teaching. These blogs were fun to read. Another of the blogs has math games. This blog could be very useful to me. I especially liked the blog that reviews new children's books. It is interesting to read what other teachers think about a book. I can see myself visiting this site in the future.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Additions to Parent Resource Page

Today I searched Google and YouTube for additional sites to put on my parent resource page. I added some good sites. I am getting much better at navigating these sites.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


I spent time today exploring YouTube. Last week during class was the first time I was on YouTube. I had a good time today watching educational and not so educational videos. I showed my children the "Dancing Around the World" video. They really thought it was neat. I found an internet safety video that I like better than the one on my parent resouce page. I plan on putting the new one on my parent resource page.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Showing Off

I had a good time today showing off my blog to my daughters. They have spent years helping me with the computer and they were very impressed with what I accomplished. They especially liked the Glog. I also spent time today looking at my classmates' blogs. It is interesting to look at the other blogs. I like to see their layouts and what they are including in their blogs.

Friday, July 16, 2010

21st Century

I have finally joined the 21st century. I now have a blog and am on facebook. I also have a twitter account. There is no stopping me now.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Computer Wizard

The computer class is going very well. I am learning a lot.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010